Berlin 1974 Wikia


An Ordo Dracul formal title has these components:

  • A Rank.
  • A Domain (Primary Mystery) modified by a Secondary Mystery.
  • Other Decorations (Descriptions) or Titles as the character sees fit.

To refer to someone using their informal title, one only needs to use:

  • A Description.
  • A Rank or Functional Position.


Total Dots in Coils Rank
0 Slave
1 Supplicant
2 Scribe
3 Scholar
4 Initiate
5 Adept
6 Master
7 Philosopher
8 Illuminus
9 Architect
10 Visionary
11+ Immortal


Primary Coil Domain
Ascendant …of the Umbra
Wyrm …of the Labyrinth
Voivode …of the Empire
Zirnitra …of the Void
Ziva …of the Bride
All Equal …of Equilibrium

Secondary Coil[]

Meaning Decoration
Ascendant is secondary. "Burning" or "Scorched"
Wyrm is secondary. "Draconic", "Twisted" or "Tortuous"
Voivode is secondary. "Imperial" or "Sovereign"
Zirnitra is secondary. "Enigmatic" or "Arcane"
Ziva is secondary. "Carnal" or "Crimson"


Title Decoration
Sworn of the Axe Red or Scarlet
Sworn of the Dying Light Blue or Azure
Sworn of the Mysteries Black or Sable

Other Skills or Abilities[]

Meaning Descriptor Noun
Is an Alchemist. "Hermetic" or "Golden" …of the Kabbalah
Knows Spoiling. "Corrupted"/"Corrupting" or "Wasting" …of the Blight
Knows Gilded Cage. "Pyramidal" or "Illuminated" ...of the Pyramid
Deals with spirits or ghosts. "Spectral" or "Ephemeral" ...of the Specter
Impaled. "Anguished" ...of the Anguish/Agony
Knows a fourth Coil. "Invisible" n/a

Cipher Titles[]

Meaning Descriptor
“I know only one Coil.” “Dedicated”
“I know rituals of another covenant.” “Questing” or “Tested”
“I’m showing off for the audience.” “Sublime” or “Transcendent” or “Dreadful”
“I am here against my own will.” “Terrible”
“I am lying or disguised.” “Forgotten” or “Withered”
“Outsiders are listening.” “Subtle”
“Enemies are listening.” “Invincible”
“I need immediate aid.” “Esoteric”
“We are in immediate danger.” “Sterling” or “Omnipotent”
“I am favored.” or “I am to be protected.” “Renewed” or “Remarkable”
“My master wants you to destroy me.” “…of the Fourth Darkness”

Example Titles[]

Konstanze Descoteaux-Czartoryska

Formal Title:
Illuminated Architect of the Burning Labyrinth and the Black Pyramid, Parliamentarian and Kogaion of Berlin

Knows 9 dots of Coils. Main Coil is Wyrm and secondary Coil is Ascendant. Is a Sworn of the Mystery and knows Gilded Cage. Is exceptionally proud of being an Architect and puts Gilded Cage twice. Has the functional positions of Parliamentarian and Kogaion.

Informal Title:
Descriptor: Illuminated, Draconic, or Sable
Title: Architect, Parlimentarian or Kogaion

Konstanze may be referred to as “The Illuminated Kogaion” or “The Draconic Architect” or any other suitable combination for short. The word choice used depends on the context of the conversation, ie, Konstanze may be referred to as “The Illuminated Parlimentarian” when she is hosting a session, and to differentiate her from other Mystery-sworn who do not hold the title “Illuminated”. When discussing how the Kogaion is handling Praxis politics, a Dragon may use the term “Sable Kogaion” to indicate a conflict between her role as Mystery-sworn and her role as Kogaion.

Wilhelmine von Geheim

Formal Title:
Hermetic Philosopher of the Imperial Umbra, Azure Journeyman and Castellan

Knows 7 dots of Coils. Main Coil is Ascendant and secondary Coil is Voivode. Considers herself an alchemist. Is a Sworn of the Dying Light Journeyman and keeper of the local chapterhouse.

Informal Title:
Descriptor: Hermetic, Scorched, Azure
Title: Philosopher, Journeyman, Castellan

Again, the combination of Descriptor or Title used depends on context. One may use "The Hermetic Castellan" when discussing a recent debauched gathering at the local chapterhouse, or "The Azure Journeyman" to call attention to the fact that she has yet to complete her thesis.


Kogaion: Konstanze Descoteaux-Czartoryska
Grand Wyrm:
Castellan: Wilhelmine von Geheim

Sworn of the Axe[]

Dragon Knight:
Vigilant Dragon:
Rising Dragon:
Rampant Dragon or Grandmaster:

Sworn of the Dying Light[]

Journeyman: Wilhelmine von Geheim
Master of the Dying Light:
Twilight Judge:

Sworn of the Mysteries[]

Parliamentarian: Konstanze Descoteaux-Czartoryska
